

– To observe the established marching rules;

– When walking on the roads, participants must observe traffic safety rules, pedestrians’ duties;

– To be careful with fire;

– To take care of personal belongings and health;

– In case of withdrawal from the march, the participant must inform the head of the group or organizational committee of the march;
– In case of injury or felling unwell, the participants must contact the doctors;
– Soldiers are requested to wear neat military uniform according to the uniform wear rules. Civilians must wear neat leisure apparel;
– During the march, the march organizers reserve the right to establish different requirements for the participants, which they must to observe during the march.


During the march, it is prohibited:

– To use any means of transport or to run;
– To spread political propaganda;
– To breach public order;
– To breach/disregard the road safety rules, pedestrians’ duty;
– To litter on the march route, at the control/rest points;

– To breach the Road traffic rules.


The march is financed from the funds of the march participants and march sponsors, voluntary activities of the march partners and volunteers. March participants cover the march organisation expenses.


1. Marchers must make themselves familiar with the marching rules and observe them during the registration and the march;

2. Marching organizers bear no responsibility for marchers’ personal belongings, health;

3. The march rules are approved, amended, supplemented exclusively by the march organizers.

4. Official approved information about the march, marching updates and changes are published on the official website of the Marchers Association www.pza.lt, as on the official Facebook page of the Marchers Association http://www.facebook.com/pzasociacija. The march organizers do not assume responsibility for inaccurate march information published by third parties.

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